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2017 AGA CFO Survey

Demographic Information

Thank you for taking the time to answer AGA/Grant Thornton's CFO Survey. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and your identity will remain anonymous. The first section will help gather demographic information.

Survey Instructions
The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and it is NOT require to complete it in one sitting. Instead, you can answer some of the questions, exit, and return later to answer the remaining questions. See below for instructions on how to save your responses. Completion of all questions is appreciated to support the development of a comprehensive view.

Instructions for leaving and returning to the questionnaire
If you need to leave the questionnaire and return later to finish it, please press the "Save and Continue Survey Later" button at the top of the page. Please note that you must continue to the page just beyond your last set of answers for the tool to save your most recent entries. You will be asked to enter your e-mail address only so you can receive a link to resume answering the survey.
2. What level of government do you work in?
4. What is your current GS level?